Keep your memory cards safely organized with these tiny, but mighty Memory Card Storage Cases by CamKix!
Our versatile memory card cases have three storage blades that you can pull out like a Swiss army knife for convenient access. We have the following options:
- Option 1 - Case that fits 4 x SD and 2 x microSD cards, and comes with a microSD reader
- Option 2 - Case that fits 2 x SD and 8 x microSD cards, and comes with a microSD reader
- Option 3 - Case that fits 1 x SD, 6 x microSD, 1 x mini-SIM, 1 x micro-SIM and 1 x nano-SIM cards, a microSD reader and an eject pin
- Option 4 - Pack of two cases (options 1 and 2)
- Option 5 - Pack of two cases (options 1 and 3)
These cases offer extra SD and microSD storage capacity on-the-go. They're ideal for GoPro and drone users who need to have extra memory cards on hand.
Included with each case is a super compact microSD card reader that fits into the USB port of your laptop or desktop computer.
Our memory card cases are available on as well as and